Hanse in Europa mit Nessie

Legal Notice

Legal Notice

HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG,
Germany’s only theme park by the sea

Services providers at hansapark.de and its sub-domains:

HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG
Am Fahrenkrog 1
23730 Sierksdorf

Telephone: +49 (0) 45 63 / 4 74 - 0
Fax: +49 (0) 45 63 / 4 74 - 100
Email: info@hansapark.de

Managing Director:

Christoph Andreas Leicht

Commercial register of the district court of:

Lübeck, HRA 1196

VAT registration no.:

DE 135234333

Personally liable partners:

Christoph Andreas Leicht


HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark
Seat: Sierksdorf RG Lübeck HRB 12988 HL

Content managed by (section 18 German Inter-State Media Treaty [MStV]):

HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG
Christoph Andreas Leicht
Am Fahrenkrog 1
23730 Sierksdorf

Data Protection Officer:

compolicy GmbH
Schwedenkai 1
24103 Kiel
E-mail: info@compolicy.de or datenschutz@hansapark.de


HANSA-PARK’s website may include hyperlinks to other sites. We cannot be held liable for the content of linked websites, and we have no influence on them. It is impossible for us to control the linked websites, the more so as the content may be changed at any time. In no way do we endorse the content of websites linked from our website. Should you become aware of any infringement of provisions of law on one of the sites linked from our website, please let us know to enable us to check if we need to remove the link.

Data Protection:

For more information please refer to our Data Privacy Statement

© Copyright notice:

All logos, images, texts and other contents displayed on the website of HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG - hansapark.de - and its sub-domains are usually protected by copyright, name and trademark right laws for the benefit of HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG.

HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG permits you to download and/or publish pictures and texts contained on this website solely for private, non-commercial use or within the framework and scope of editorial reporting, provided that within the framework of the respective publication the source as well as HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG’s copyrights and proprietary rights are explicitly acknowledged at a clearly visible place. Prior to publishing any of this proprietary information, one specimen of the intended publication must be forwarded to HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG (please send to: HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG, Am Fahrenkrog 1, 23730 Sierksdorf).

Any other use, dissemination and/or public reproduction of protected contents of HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG’s website - hansapark.de - and its sub-domains beyond the scope mentioned above requires the express prior approval of HANSA-PARK Freizeit- und Familienpark GmbH & Co. KG.

Email Communication / Forms:

Sometimes emails are not delivered for technical or operational reasons, and the recipient may not get them in time. Emails sent to HANSA-PARK therefore have no effect with regard to time limits/deadlines. We recommend you send time-critical or urgent messages to HANSA-PARK by other means of communication.

To ensure that your email has been received, ask the recipient to confirm receipt of your email in writing.

Email communication is generally not secure as third parties may be able to access and/or manipulate your data. We recommend you use encrypted transmission of emails to protect confidential information.

Information about Dispute Settlement:

The European Commission provides an online platform to help resolve disputes with online customers (ODR platform). It is available at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We currently do not have any alternative dispute resolution options available for contracts concluded with us. However pursuant to Art. 14(1) Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 we are obligated to provide the link to the ODR platform. In addition, we are required to explicitly state our e-mail address - info@hansapark.de - for your information.